Monday, May 2, 2016

Bromance Review

When Pi Yanuo is born instead of the boy that was predicted, a fortune teller convinces her parents that she must live as a boy until her 26th birthday or dreadful harm will befall her family.  Growing up as a boy, she becomes skilled in martial arts and starts a hot dog stand with her best friend.  With 100 days to go until her 26th birthday, she rescues young triad leader Du Zifeng.  His family persuade her to become his sworn brother, to the horror and dismay of her own parents.  Yanuo must guard her secret more closely than ever... but it it grows exponentially harder when she and Zifeng begin to fall in love. 

Unlike Unni Maknae, I’m not usually fond of contemporary girl-masquerading-as-boy dramas.  (I do like it in historical dramas.)  This drama was receiving a lot of hype and a good friend said she was loving it, so I decided to try it, and I’m glad I did.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  There were times when it felt like the drama was moving slowly, but I saw the last eight episodes in three days- partly because I liked it that much and partly because I was sick and couldn't do much aside from watch drama. 

This was my first Taiwanese drama.  The music timing and camera angles were different enough from Kdramas that it threw me off for the first couple episodes, but all in all, if this is typical of Taiwanese dramas, I'll be watching more now and then.  Style-wise, I'd compare this drama with the Kdrama Oh My Venus - fun and hilarious with some depth but not gritty or intense.  Like OMV, Bromance has great main characters and well-rounded secondary and minor characters.  There were more good parents in this drama than I'm used to seeing in a single drama, which added to the reasons I liked it.

Another thing I loved was the way they gave some cliches a fresh look, particularly that of amnesia- which is a common Asian drama trope and hard to portray in a way that doesn't feel ridiculous.

The best part of this drama was the journey each character underwent and also how the layers of each character were revealed.  I loved it.

The fashion was AAA+ but what’s with wearing sweaters under suits?  I don't know if that was something that was unique to this drama or if it's a general trend in Taiwan.

Pi Yanuo - She was far more comfortable in her role as a boy than girls in such dramas typically are- which I really liked about her.  She was smart, sensible, brave, and loyal- all things I love in a character.

Du Zifeng - His strong sense of duty and responsibility, combined with his determination to not let go of Yanuo no matter what, made him a more well-rounded character than I usually encounter in rom-com dramas.  *spoiler* Surprisingly, he didn't pull the usual 'I have to break up with you to protect you' that many Asian drama heroes do. *endspoiler*

Zherui - I liked him right away.  He was a typical second lead in many ways- knowing her secret before anyone else, loving her longest, sweet, self-sacrificing, but there were some unique twists to him.  Also, several great moments between him and Zifeng.

Qingyang - My favorite character in the drama.    Though he usually comes across as a very quiet, gentle, young man- there is steel under the velvet.  Do NOT mess with the members of his family.  One of my favorite moments of his is when he gets in the villain's face and calmly tells him he's finished, demands the guns from the villain's goons and throws the guns away.

Nana - sweet, naive at times.  Her character arc felt pushed to the side a few times but overall it was satisfactory.

Fan Xiaojing - hilarious and one of the best parts of the drama.  I did wonder who and where her parents were though, because they're never even mentioned onscreen.

Du Zihan - an airheaded sweetheart that had me alternating between laughter and rolling my eyes.

Ah Chao - He was a crack-up, though I often wanted to roll my eyes or smack him.  His character unfolding and development was great throughout the course of the drama but toward the end, his screen time lessened and I was disappointed, though it was understandable given how many other storylines were happening.

Hansheng - he was an intriguing character.  Too intriguing for me to hate, and he had a fascinating arc.

Favorite Characters
All four leads- Yanuo, Zifeng, Zherui and Qingyang- and Fan Xiaojing.  It's rare that I like all the leads in a drama but Bromance was that good.


Favorite Quotes
~ It’s not that I’m unwilling to give you what you want.  It’s because I can’t.  It’s because the leader isn’t just a position.  It’s also a responsibility.

~ Look at you trying to be strong again.  Do you really think that we are that slow minded?  How could we not know if you are all right or not?

~ Mom, if Pi Yanuo and my brother become sworn brothers, how can Yanuo and I be in a relationship?
~ Fool!  There is no blood relation between sworn brothers.  You can still be in a relationship with him.  Moreover, you’re going to become his sworn sister.  The relationship between you two will become closer.
~ Thank you, Lord Guan, for giving my mom so much intelligence.

~ I, Du Zifeng, am willing to vow here to take Pi Yanuo as my sworn brother.
~ I, Pi Yanuo, will take Du Zifeng as my sworn brother. 
~ Sharing joys and sorrows, prosperity and misfortune.  If I violate this oath, heaven and earth will punish me.

~I think... my heart will move because of you.
~ What does that mean?  Didn’t you say that you like girls?
~ What I mean is, if you were a girl, I’d probably like you.  Also, I would probably chase after you.
~ It’s great that I’m a guy then.  A very manly one at that, too.
~ You can fight against people with me, you can talk about guy stuff with me, you’re warmhearted, and you’re filial.  Also you have loyalty.  If there was a girl like this, I’d be moved by her.

~ Do you want me to pour a glass of wine for you?
~ You saw through me again.
~ When you are troubled, you will do this.  You keep stirring your coffee.
~ You really know me.  Qingyang, sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. 
~ That’s because you have not ascertained your feelings yet. 

~ I know that it’s impossible for you to not be unhappy.  But don’t let your imagination run wild.

~ Our fists should be used against outsiders, not insiders.

~ Because I think that the moment when fireworks light up in the air, makes people really happy.    It leaves a deep impression and makes us full of hope.

~ My love for you includes your good points, weak points, and everything around you.  I will share all happiness and sensations with you and face the sadness and pain together.  Regardless of in wealth or poverty and no matter what happens- no matter how you change- I will always hold your hand, take care of you and protect you until death do us part.

~ Humans can’t always immerse themselves in thoughts of wanting revenge.  We have to keep looking forward.  So I will learn to forgive and try to let go.

~ I thought that you and Yanuo were already dating.
~ DAD!  You know all about it??
~ I lost my memory, not my knowledge.  Anyone with eyes can see that you and Yanuo are more than brothers.

~ And you say that you love me!
~ Whether I love you or not has nothing to do with spiders.
~ Pi Yanuo.  You are so big with great fighting skills, yet you are scared of such a small spider!  Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
~ I’m not scared of anything, except for things with many legs.

~ You really are wrong.  How can you take responsibility for this?  What he committed was a heinous crime.  You’re getting more muddled the older you get.
~ He’s my son.


This drama was pretty clean.  There is one scene where everyone is nude at a sauna but you only see waist-up and back views.  There are a few shirtless scenes.  Violence is mild- there are several martial arts fights and a few punch-out scenes.  Not a lot of blood.  Language is minimal- there are a few instances of swearing.  There is at least one and possibly two scenes where a girl kisses a girl disguised as a guy, and also several where a guy kisses a girl disguised as a guy so if that bothers you, you've been warned.

Black Hats
None that I can recall.  Black suits certainly were not lacking though.

I rate it a 9 out of 10 because while it wasn’t knock-your-socks-off awesome, it was very good.  I don’t recommend it for anyone under 15 due to content.

If you like girl-disguised-as-boy dramas, rom-coms with depth, or just an optimistic story; I recommend watching Bromance.

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