Tuesday, April 19, 2016

ReQuotes: Descendants of the Sun ~ Episode Sixteen

And so we come to the end of this journey under the sun.  This finale had the Empress and I screaming to each other in louder tones than usual and finishing up with elated squealing and a headache that neither of us regretted for one instant.

Mo-yeon: That day, Lieutenant Yoon said it snowed for the first time in 100 years.  And that he walked through the snow.
Dae-young: I’m sorry I took so long to reply.  We’re not separating.  I will never separate from you again.

Dae-young: I will never die again.  Never again.  I won’t die no matter what.
Myung-joo: I don’t believe you, but I want you to keep your word.  It snowed for the first time in 100 years, and you returned alive, too.  I’ve used up all my luck already.  All we have remaining is your luck. 
Dae-young: Okay.
Myung-joo: But how did you get here?  What about Shi-jin?
Dae-young: As soon as I reported my survival, I heard about you.  As soon as I left the allied base camp, I came here, and Captain Yoo went to Albania. 
Myung-joo: What happened to you two?  I heard you and Shi-jin were killed in action and that they couldn’t retrieve your bodies after the bombing. 
Dae-young: The militia arrived before the bombing.  And we were taken into a bomb shelter before the bombing.  After that, we were locked into an unknown prison cell for about 150 to 155 days.

Shi-jin: I received the help of a friend who was from afar. 
Mo-yeon: How could you break your bone again?  I was planning on breaking it for you if you returned. 

Shi-jin: I’m the one who should be sorry.  It won’t happen again.
Mo-yeon: I have no choice but to trust you.
Shi-jin: I've been curious about something.  What’s that?
Mo-yeon: It’s food for your memorial ceremony.  Today is the first anniversary of your death.  Must I really prepare my boyfriend’s rites? 

Mo-yeon: Can you see that person?
Aid worker: Yes, he’s very handsome.  Is he your boyfriend? 
Mo-yeon: Thank goodness.  I thought I was seeing things.  Thank you.  Goodnight.
Aid Worker: Goodnight.
Shi-jin: You just killed me twice.  Did you think I was a ghost?  You’re a doctor.  You studied medicine.
Mo-yeon: Who told you to appear on your death anniversary?

Mo-yeon: Why did you video call me?  This feels awkward. 
Ji-soo: I can’t see you in the dark.  Move somewhere brighter. 
Mo-yeon: Okay.  How is it now?
Chi-hoon: Am I seeing things?
Min-ji: I can see him, too.
Ji-soo: Are you okay?  Can’t you see what is happening? 
Mo-yeon: See what?
Ja-ae: Today is the first anniversary of Captain Yoo’s death. 
Chi-hoon: Then that must be food for his rites?
Mo-yeon: You’re right.  It is.
Chi-hoon: He’s there to eat the offerings.
Sang-hyun:  Oh no.  *faints*

Shi-jin: Wow, you just killed me three times.  Is it funny?
Mo-yeon: Were you really going to pass up the chance for a joke this big?  Aren’t they so cute?  Aha, I think they got it now.
Chi-hoon: Mo-yeon.  Listen carefully to what I say.  Don’t ask me why, though. 
Mo-yeon: What?
Chi-hoon: Tell him that you love him and that you've missed him.  Say it out loud right now so that he can rest in peace. 
Mo-yeon: What?
Chi-hoon: I know it’s hard to believe, but Captain Yoo is behind you right now.  I hope that he rests in peace.
Mo-yeon: They’re hilarious.  They want you to leave already. 
Shi-jin: You can’t say that.  That makes me upset.
All: No way!  Oh my gosh!
Sang-hyun: *sits up*  It can’t be.
Shi-jin: Hello everyone!
Mo-yeon: So this is what Shi-jin is currently up to.  Can you imagine how happy I am?  I’ll explain everything when I get back.  Leave us alone for now.  I’m hanging up.  Bye.
Ja-ae: Was that actually him?
Chi-hoon: It was.
Sang-hyun: It wasn’t a ghost, right?
Chi-hoon: It was him.

Lt. Col. Park: Yoo and Seo will type up a report during work hours for now.  The reports will be as thick as school textbooks.
Sergeants Choi, Im and Gong: Good luck.  Goodbye.
Dae-young: What are you doing?
Shi-jin: A4 paper scares me more than C4 explosives.  Look at the sharp edges.  Paper cuts sting badly, you know.
Dae-young: The man who waterboarded us... didn’t he have a Spetsnaz tattoo on his wrist?
Shi-jin: That’s the one who cut us.  It’ll look bad if we say we only got beaten up.  Say we fought back once a week and tried to escape once a month.  Make it sound real.
Dae-young: Let’s make it twice a month.  Will they write to the militia asking for confirmation?
Shi-jin: At this point, I think anything we write will go.  What we need is a perfect balance of reality and drama.  How about basing it on Rambo?
Dae-young: Hm.  That was based on the Vietnam War so the firearms won’t match.  Let’s base it off the Bourne film series.  Lieutenant Yoon likes Matt Damon. 
Shi-jin: Okay, that sounds perfect.  I’ll leave you to it. 
Dae-young: Where are you going?
Shi-jin: If we both write something, you’ll say three lashings and I'll say five.  The details won’t match up.
Dae-young: Why do I have to be the one to write it?
Shi-jin: Lieutenant Yoon’s in Urk.  Your girlfriend is abroad.  Good luck.

Shi-jin: Do you remember dumping me here?
Mo-yeon: Of course I do.  I might do the same today.
Shi-jin: You’re kidding right?  I have trauma.
Mo-yeon: I’m serious.  I need to ask you something.  Will you continue going to the department store?  I want to know if you want to be a hero. 
Shi-jin: No soldier cares about becoming a hero who must die.  We just aim to preserve peace where peace is needed.
Mo-yeon: Then that means you’ll keep doing it even if I object.
Shi-jin: Will you object?
Mo-yeon: Should I not?  Even though next time, you might never return?  Don’t be scared.  I won’t object.  What’s the use of objecting?  You’ll feel apologetic, but you’ll never be able to give it up, and I’ll hate you for it, but then I’ll support you.  Rather than doing that, I want to keep peace.  If my support brings you peace, that is.
Shi-jin: I’m thankful and sorry.  I’m sorry that apologizing is all that I can do.

Myung-joo: How’s the report coming on?
Dae-young: I’m suffering under the pain of creation.
Myung-joo: Can you even use the software?
Dae-young: I sometimes wonder what you think I am.
Myung-joo: You’re a guy.

Myung-joo: For 157 days since then, I wondered just how I should kill you.  That means I thought of no one else but you.  That made me miss you so much that I wanted to die.  I came back alive.  Aren’t you proud?
Dae-young: I’m glad to see you’re well.
Myung-joo: Cheers.
Dae-young: Let’s go see your father tomorrow.  Let’s go hand in hand.
Myung-joo: Right.  We have to talk about that, don’t we?
Dae-young: We don’t.  I won’t leave the army.  Not unless you make me.
Myung-joo: Do you mean that?
Dae-young: I’ll tell your father that.  I'll say that as I hold your hand.
Myung-joo: Let’s go first thing tomorrow.  As soon as day breaks.  I have a plan, too.

Dae-young: I’m here for the two cups of tea you offered. 
General Yoon: Very well.  Sit down.  You too, Myung-joo.  Orderly, bring us two cups of tea.
Myung-joo: Dad, I’m pregnant.
Dae-young: No, Sir.  It’s not true, Sir.   Was this your plan?
Myung-joo: Most people do the deed, then confess.  I decided to confess first and do the deed afterward.  When facing a stronger force, it’s best to attack first. 
General Yoon: Does she have to be here?  Talk, then.  Whether it’s a preemptive attack or a carpet bombing, I’ll listen.
Myung-joo: I....
General Yoon: You be quiet.
Dae-young: I’ll get to the point.  I gave you my word that I would leave the army.  But, I can’t keep that promise, Sir.
General Yoon: Is that so?
Dae-young: I was locked up in a basement, goodness knows where, and my flesh was torn and my bones broken.  But I never regretted becoming a soldier.  I believe our country should not lose a soldier like me.  I want to leave when I should, with my dignity intact.  I will find another way to gain your approval, Sir.
General Yoon: This isn’t about my approval.  Our country already acknowledged your service.  And as your commanding officer, I am proud that you will be my son-in-law.

Man: I’m sorry.  Are you all right?
Ja-ae: Yes.
Sang-hyun: I’ll take care of her.  I’m her guardian.
Ja-ae: Guardian?  It’s fine.  I’m just tired, that’s all.
Sang-hyun: Sit down and rest if you’re tired.  Don’t collapse in another person’s arms.  And just tell me if you saw something.  I know that you saw all my folders.  It was in the recycle bin folder.
Ja-ae: You said you wanted it deleted.
Sang-hyun: I meant when I die.  Why did you delete it?
Ja-ae: Why do you have it?
Sang-hyun: To propose to you.  That’s my proposal saying that from my teens through thirties, you were the only one in my life.  You have no love.
Ja-ae: Haven’t you ever thought that it could be out of pity?
Sang-hyun: What do you know?  I know my feelings.  There’s no doubt that it’s love.
Ja-ae: Stop.
Sang-hyun: What?  Confession?
Ja-ae: Yes.  After I pay you back all the money I owe you.
Sang-hyun: All right.  You’re not joking right?  Where are you going?
Ja-ae: To earn money. 

Dae-young: Did you read my will?
Myung-joo: Why would I read that?  Everyone writes lyrics on them, or copies someone else’s.
Dae-young: I didn’t copy anything.
Myung-joo: Don’t try to fool me. 
Dae-young: My operation was always about running away.  You, who’s more courageous than anyone, loved me very much, who’s more cowardly than anyone.  I want to thank you and apologize to you.  If you are reading this will, I, the cowardly one, will remain as a painful memory until the end.  Do not forgive me.  And, as much as I always thought of you, I hope you live a happy life.  I love you with all my heart, Myung-joo.  That will never change, whether I live or die. 
Myung-joo: Stop making things up.  There is no way you memorized that.
Dae-young: I wrote that letter over a hundred times.  I wanted to run to you for over a hundred times.
Dae-young: Attention.  All who are lower in rank than me, must close their eyes right now.
Myung-joo: All who are lower in rank than me must close their eyes, too.  You must close your eyes, too.

Mo-yeon: Hippocrates once said this.  Well, he said a lot of stuff.  Some of his words remained in my head, but some of his words went to my heart.  Here are a few as an example.  “As a licensed practitioner, I will provide treatments according to my conscience and honor."
Staff Sergeant Choi: "I, as a non-commissioned officer of Special Forces, pledge to do my best for my country and my people."
Medical Student: "I will disregard any race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, or social status when it comes to fulfilling my duty to my patients."
Choi: "I will remain within the boundaries of the law as I carry out my duties as a soldier."
Student: "I won’t use my knowledge against humanity even when I am under threat."
Choi: "Even when I am under threat, or any emergencies, I won’t back up.  I will keep the peace of this country even when I am standing at gunpoint."
Mo-yeon: Today, many future Yoo Shi-jins and Kang Mo-yeons solemnly swore their oaths.  I thought, and I truly hoped, that what they swore today will be kept in any land, under every sun on this earth.

Shi-jin: How did such a woman become mine?
Mo-yeon: You must’ve saved a nation in your previous life.  My goodness. You must have been a soldier in your previous life, too.
Shi-jin: I did get promoted a lot in this life.
Mo-yeon: My goodness.  We’re going to date again in our next life.  You are saving this nation in this life, too. 
Shi-jin: My gosh.  You're a kind of woman I can get only after saving a nation.
Mo-yeon: Who said you’d get me?
Shi-jin: Aren’t you going to date me in our next life?
Mo-yeon: If I say no, will you give up?  Make sure you come and find me in our next life, okay?
Shi-jin: It’s a promise.  So, what did you wish for? 
Mo-yeon: Well.  You'd be surprised.
Shi-jin: What is it?
Mo-yeon: I wished that you’d kiss me.  Do you think that will come true? 
Shi-jin: There’s always a way.

Shi-jin: I love you.
Mo-yeon: Me too.
Shi-jin: It was a question.
Mo-yeon: I love you.  That’s my answer.
Shi-jin: Me too.

Mo-yeon: The bride and groom will be here after they change.
Min-ji: Ye-hwa was kind of pretty all dressed up like that.  Her wedding dress was unique, too.
Mo-yeon: And that’s a unique sight, too.  *points to Dae-young*
Shi-jin: My goodness, will you put that away?  Why did you catch that bouquet?
Dae-young: The bride gave all of her strength to throw this.  How can I throw it away?
Myung-joo: Leave him alone.  He has a lot of memories about weddings.
Chi-hoon: Don’t you love an ending like this?  We overcame all of life’s difficulties with love, and everyone lived happily ever after.  The end.
*lights go out*
Mo-yeon: is this a kissing time?
Ja-ae: Is there a show coming up?
Sang-hyun: I doubt the entire city would turn off the lights for this. 
Mo-yeon: This isn’t a flashback.  What’s wrong with this scene? 
Shi-jin: I don’t think this is leading to a romantic scene.
*lights come back on*
Waitress: It was a volcano!  A volcano just erupted!
Min-ji: And I thought we were so lucky. 
Dae-young: I should’ve gotten discharged. 
Myung-joo: It’s too late now.
Ja-ae: Get up.
Sang-hyun: Okay.
Chi-hoon: Are we all giving up our vacation then?
Mo-yeon: I guess it’s time for me to wreck this pair of shoes now.
Shi-jin: I feel that this is the beginning of a very long report.  Let’s go, everyone.

I've thoroughly enjoyed requoting this drama, even the nights when I was cudgeling my brain in frustration trying to decide which quotes to keep in and which to leave out.  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I wish you many happy rewatches of this delightful drama.

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