Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Nine: Nine Times Time Travel

Title: Nine: Nine Times Time Travel (say that nine times fast) 4.5 stars
Rating: PG-13
For...marriage! The is a couple in here that pledges to love each other, and then kissing and cuddling etc. Also, the marriage isn't in a church so if you don't like the whole I love you, you love me let's get married by pledging to each other...well, that is in here.
 Also there are a few bloody graphics that have to do with surgery like blood spurting in the middle of a surgery, someone getting killed in a phone booth so blood and glass.
A foreigner screaming wrapped up in a towel in one scene towards the beginning.
Repeated fire scene where someone is minorly wounded, and believed to have killed another character.
Brief off screen rape scene, which is confirmed to have happened.
Punching scenes (trust me you want to get in there and do it too).
Drug using is addressed with a minor character, also an attempted suicide by drugs in a time travel scene.

Okay, so enough with all of this said you should WATCH IT!!!!!!! (Seriously!) Even with a terrible thing happening in a phone booth...the first thing I did when I got to Korea and saw a phone booth was run inside and take pictures and think of Nine: Nine Times Time Travel.

I started watching this drama when I had a cold and knew nothing about taking screen shots sooooo I am going to have pinterest help us out a little.

I started watching it because I had loved Lee Jin Wook's performance in The Three Musketeers, and I really wanted to see what other things he had done.

It was love at first episode, actually when he spoke English in the first 5 minutes, his English is really good. (At least from this English Teacher's perspective.) From there it grew rapidly, into a face paced drama, with just the right amount of romance, and suspense that had me watching this drama as if it were a serious part time job that I couldn't bear to be away from.

One of the things I love about 9x's is that it allowed something most time travel stories don't allow characters to do. He crossed his own timeline, in fact, he messed only with his own timeline, and it was amazing, incredible, devastating, beautiful, and perfection to see how it all played out. The writing and acting of this drama were incredible blend.

Watching this drama it asked quite a few important questions. How could fixing the lives of those you love...ruin yours? Oh....sooooooooooooooo many ways.
What happens if you are the only one who remember's the past.
Is the past, really better the way it happened?
What if the people you love, aren't the people you think they were...

There was just the right amount of romance, the right amount of tragedy and the best friend a man could ever ask for.

The couple is sweet and you are cheering for them through all of the up's and downs, and main character that has gripping your chest as your heart bursts along with his...with agony and joy...and so many more things.

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