Sunday, April 3, 2016

ReQuotes: Descendants of the Sun ~ Episode Twelve

Given the way this episode ended, I'm not sure what they can find to fill four more whole episodes, but I shall continue to trust in the drama that has gone above and beyond my expectations so far and look forward to the usual blend of humor and action later this week.

 Dae-young: We will begin carrying out Unauthorized Black Operation.  Violence with the armed gang is to be expected.  Except for us, there are no backups.  It will be an operation outside the uniform.  And there’s a chance that you may not return.  Anyone who wants out, can do so now.  Does anyone want out?
Sergeants Choi, Gong, and Im: NO SIR.
Dae-young: Good.  Vacation is over.  As of this moment, everyone is back in Team Alpha.

Shi-jin: What are you doing here?
Dae-young: What are you doing here alone with your hands up?
Shi-jin: I was intimidated, thinking I was alone.  Now I’m welcoming my friends with open arms.
Dae-young: Don’t be intimidated.  All Team Alpha members have returned from furlough.
Shi-jin: I will express my gratitude later.  This is Captain Big Boss.  Here is the operation order for Team Alpha.  Piccolo and Harry Potter, protect the children.  Leave this place as soon as possible.
Gong and Im: Yes, sir.
Shi-jin: Wolf and Snoopy, you will conduct hostage rescue operations with me.
Dae-young and Choi: Yes, sir.

General Yoon: As of 2200 this evening the Republic of Korea special forces began conducting Unauthorized Black Operation.
Chief of National Security: Look here General Yoon.  I never passed you the order.  This is unbelievable.  The US military promised to rescue the hostage within 24 hours.
General Yoon: Korean soldiers have been dispatched to save a Korean’s life.There is nothing unbelievable about this, sir.
Chief: This is not just a simple issue of a kidnapped civilian.  What will we do if our troop deployment botches a CIA operation?  Who will take responsibility for that?
General Yoon: I understand your foreign affairs predicament, sir.
Chief: Stop interrupting me.  This is a matter of national security which requires diplomatic and political considerations.  So let’s leave the hostage rescue operation to the US military.  We must pay attention to security maintenance and press control. 
General Yoon: Hey.  You, politician.
Chief: What did you just say?  I just misheard you, right?
General Yoon: Listen carefully if you didn’t hear me correctly.  I don’t care if national security means secret room politics and camera diplomacy to you.  For my subordinates, it means sacrificing their youth to protect our homeland, and they devote their lives to perform their duties.  The reason they answer the call of duty for a country who doesn’t appreciate their sacrifice whether they’re killed or captured, is because they believe that the lives of citizens is national security itself.  I will bear all responsibility for everything.  You can just choose your tie and be a politician for the journalists.

Shi-jin: How long will it take?
Choi: One minute.  I’ll have it disarmed by then.  Try not to move.
Mo-yeon: I’m not moving.  I’m trying not to but....
Shi-jin: Look at me.  Look into my eyes.  Do you remember when I joked about the landmine?  You told me to bring an expert.  I’ve been wearing a uniform for 15 years, and I haven’t seen a bomb he couldn’t disarm.  He’s the best we have.  So don’t worry.  I will not let you die.

President: Is our hostage safe?
Chief of National Security: Yes, but the CIA strongly protested against this mission and its end result.
President: So, I guess we’re in a diplomatic bind then.  It will affect many trade deals.
Chief: Before it becomes a liability, you should end the matter by punishing the officer in charge. 
President: Is that so?
General Yoon: I’m Yoon Gil-joon, commander of Special Forces.  I agree with him.  I shall take full responsibility.
President: Why should you be punished for a successful rescue op?  the hostage is safe.  Now it’s a political and diplomatic issue.  That means it’s now in my hands.  I shall take care of it now. 
Chief: But Mr. President....
President: List up all the issues you think will arise from this situation.  General Yoon, thank you for rescuing one of ours.  I also heard they pulled it off without any injuries.  Thank you.

Min-ji: I’ve never seen a gunshot wound before.
Sang-hyun: We get to see all sorts of things over here.
Ja-ae: You’ll need a few stitches. 
Sang-hyun: Bite down on this.  Min-ji, get some vodka.  We will remember your sacrifice.  OW.  What was that for?  This is how they treat gunshot wounds.  Don’t you watch movies?
Ja-ae: In horror movies, the one who talks the most dies first.

Shi-jin: How is your wound?
Mo-yeon: I was too out of it to ask you yesterday.  How’s Fatima?
Shi-jin: She’s fine.  She’s being treated at Corps Command.  They say she’ll fully recover. 
Mo-yeon: Are you sure?
Shi-jin: What do you mean?
Mo-yeon: You lie to me a bit too often.  You said the kids from Haunted Village were safe.  But they were all with me where I was kept hostage. 
Shi-jin: I’m sorry I lied.  I didn’t want you to worry.
Mo-yeon: What else did you lie about, so I wouldn’t worry?
Shi-jin: There were no other lies. 
Mo-yeon: That’s a lie.

Mo-yeon: From now on, I’m going to tell you even the smallest things like this.  I’m saying that I’ll try to cope with you.  So you should cope with my chattering, too.  But, promise me one thing, instead.  Allow me the right to be worried.  I can’t let myself be anxious and worried for all the hours that you’re not with me.  So when you need to go do something that might worry me, tell me.  For instance, when you tell me that you need to go to the department store, I’ll understand that it will be a tough operation.  At least at a moment when you are fighting a life and death struggle, don’t leave me in the dark.  Now.  I’ll ask you one last question.  Which will it be.  Me or our country?  You need to be wise with your words, since I’ll only ask this once. 
Shi-jin: Kang Mo-yeon.  For now.
Mo-yeon: For now?
Shi-jin: Didn’t you say that you were only going to ask one question?
Mo-yeon: That was before I heard you say that.What will you do if I ask twice?
Shi-jin: I’ll still choose Kang Mo-yeon. 
Mo-yeon: Really?  What about our country?
Shi-jin: Our country doesn’t get jealous.  It has faith in me.
Mo-yeon: What kind of relationship is this?  What kind of man has his country as in-laws?

Myung-joo: I’m fine now.  I’m not feverish and I’m very hungry, too.  I want some chicken soup.
Dae-young: Chicken soup? 
Myung-joo: And some seared barbecue, too.
Dae-young: Let’s eat them in Korea.
Myung-joo: I also want soju and beer.
Dae-young: Wow, you must be okay because you’re now talking about alcohol.
Myung-joo: Come to think of it, everything I like has the letter ‘s’ in it.  Chicken soup.  Seared barbecue, soju, beer [begins with 's' in Korean], and Seo Dae-young.    That’s smooth, isn’t it?  Wait, smooth starts with 's' too.
Dae-young: You’re a swindler.
Myung-joo: Saranghae. [I love you]

Kim Ki-bum: My goodness, Captain.  You just put a soy sauce bottle cap inside that chicken. 
Shi-jin: Wasn’t that a date?
Ki-bum: That’s not edible!
Shi-jin: What if we cook it?
Ki-bum: WHAT?!
Dae-young: Add these spoons too.  They are very delicious when cooked. 
Shi-jin: Of course.  You know your food, Sergeant Major Seo.
Ki-bum: Can you both just leave the kitchen?
Dae-young: We’re putting our effort and love into this dish. 

Myung-joo: Wow,  I am very touched.
Mo-yeon: You look good in an apron.
Shi-jin: I am someone you’d like to marry, am I not? 
Dae-young: We cooked these for you because you’ve been through a lot.  I’m not sure if it’ll be any good.
Mo-yeon: It’s very delicious.  It's perfectly salted.
Myung-joo: Lance Corporal Kim really is a good cook.
Mo-yeon: I know. I’m going to miss his food when I return to Korea. 
Myung-joo: I used to go to this chicken soup place when I studied in school.
Mo-yeon: I know.  I saw you eating there with Min Yun-gi.
Myung-joo: I didn’t go there with him.  He followed me there saying he had something to tell me.  You still think that I came between you two, don’t you?
Mo-yeon: That is coming between us.  What did he have to say?
Myung-joo: He said you two didn’t have a thing.
Mo-yeon: Is that what he said?  That we didn’t have a thing?
Myung-joo: Yeah, he said you two were just study buddies. 
Mo-yeon: Just study buddies?  We weren’t study buddies.  We had a thing since April. 
Myung-joo: He wanted to eat with me since school began.
Mo-yeon: I'm talking about the April of the year before that.
Myung-joo: I guess he was your crush then.
Mo-yeon: No, we had a thing.
Dae-young: Was Min Yun-gi the reason you two never got along?
Shi-jin: I won’t be able to sleep tonight wondering about that guy. 
Mo-yeon: This is a misunderstanding
Myung-joo: It definitely is.
Shi-jin: You two went crazy over a single picture with us, while you got played around by some other guy.  I’m getting angry.
Dae-young: I’d like to kill him for playing around with such beautiful women.
Shi-jin: He must be a doctor somewhere.
Dae-young: We should look for him and conduct an Forced Entry Operation.
Shi-jin: I’m not sure how I'll react when I see that guy.
Dae-young: It’s too simple to shoot him and too boring to blow him up.

Mo-yeon: I need to talk to you about something.
Shi-jin: With me?  I see.  You had a thing with Min Yun-gi but now you want to talk to me? 
Mo-yeon: Can’t I?
Shi-jin: Did you think you could?
Mo-yeon: Fine.  While we’re on the subject, I’ll go ahead and call Min Yun-gi.
Shi-jin: Try calling and see what’ll happen.
Mo-yeon: You make me want to call him even more.  Listen carefully.
Shi-jin: To what?
Mo-yeon: I like this guy named Yoo Shi-jin the best among all males living on this earth.  We totaled 3 cars, we fell in the water together, we fought through a disease together, and I have a gunshot wound because of him too.  Even so, I like him so much.  Because he was never cowardly, he was honorable at all time, and he was handsome at all times, too.  Do you have any objections?
Shi-jin: I do not.

Min-ji: Can’t you two just date?
Ja-ae: I’m going back in.  I haven't packed yet.
Min-ji: Omo. Did I make a mistake again?
Mo-yeon: You didn't do anything wrong.  It’s because Nurse Ha is just as great a woman as Dr Song is a man.  They’re the middle aged version of high school sweethearts.
Min-ji: What are you talking about?
Mo-yeon: It’s not for you babies to know.

Ja-ae: Good morning!
Mo-yeon: Good morning.
Ja-ae: Work is too far away from home.  It was good to have the Medicube right in front of our lodge. 
Mo-yeon: We got to look at our doves every morning, too.
Chi-hoon: Wait for me!
Min-ji: Hello!
Chi-hoon: Doesn't it feel like our first day of work?
Min-ji: Right.  I feel that way, too.
Sang-hyun: I feel the same way.  My gosh it’s freezing.  Good morning!
Mo-yeon: We’re really back.

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